Tower Cranes

Tower Cranes are the heart and soul of Caribbean Tower Cranes` operation. CTC is heavily involved in the tower cranes industry and has a large variety of tower cranes available with different capacities and sizes. New or used CTC has the resources to help your company locate the most effective equipment for your next big project.

Hoisting Products
Hoisting products are the most essential components of load maneuvering. Caribbean Tower Cranes believes that the most effective hoists are a product of the synergy between its motor, load chains and hook block. It is for this reason that CTC specializes in the distribution of industry leading hoist motors, loading chains, and hook blocks , separately or fully assembled.
Wire Rope Products
As an actual tower cranes distributor Caribbean Tower Cranes knows the importance of having more than adequate wire ropes and wire rope assemblies. CTC uses its experience in the industry to select a reliable variety of wire rope products for distribution, each with different steel grades, compaction process , fatigue resistances, classes of rotation , and dimensions of sheaves and drums made specifically to meet the specifications of any piece of hoisting machinery in the industry.

Synthetic Sling Products
For most of today’s modern projects riggers require soft sling that can lift material and equipment without damage to the load. Caribbean Tower Cranes distributes sling from a large selection of fibers which can hold capacities of up to 300 tones. Its also specializes in the distribution of high performance lifting sling for the toughest and most fragile jobs. All of the synthetic sling products distributed by CTC meet the local safety regulations throughout Canada.