Training Courses in Ontario, Canada

Training Courses in Trinidad
Trinidad Tower Cranes Services Ltd. has received a centre level approval from National Training Agency on January 13, 2012. This centre level approval from NTA has accredited us with Centre Registration and Programme Approval to offer training leading to Caribbean Vocational Qualification – CVQ in Civil Construction (Material Handling Operations) Level 2.
We are certified training providers accredited by National Training Agency of Trinidad and
Tobago and have competency to award CVQ - Caribbean Vocational Qualification certification
to successful applicants in heavy equipment training as well as health and safety training. Kindly note CVQ is an integral step towards the development of the
ideal Caribbean Work Force. It constitutes of such elements and high competency behaviors that
it will empower the work force to be at par with the other nations and economies. It will
enhance Caribbean Work Force to be at their best and deliver internationals standards of skills
at work/ job sites. This certification is granted to those candidates who demonstrate their
competency in Regional Occupational Standards.
We have created a fleet of knowledgeable and experienced instructors who will ensure that these trainings serve the right purpose. Our facility in Trinidad is fully equipped with computer based simulation training, first time ever in Trinidad and Tobago and with all possible resources, to ensure competency. Our training program is perfectly blended with theory and practical sessions, which allow the trainees to have a real life exposure enables them to learn and practice on sites which are near to actual job site applications. Safety Trainings are designed to ensure that all the aspects of safety at workplace are met as per the OSHA Standards.